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3 posts total
God Rattus of Vengeance

i pride myself on my ability to pronounce a wide variety of rhotics correctly

pretty fungi

@juliana i'm still getting the hang of the french/german r 😩

God Rattus of Vengeance

The issue with people not understanding filesystems isn't that people don't understand filesystems; it's that for decades now the leading technology companies have been executing a campaign to strip basic computer literacy from everyone who isn't college educated, allowing the formation of a cult of tech and the mysticization of the process in order to justify monopolies and oligopologies with outsized influence over daily life for everyone on Earth.

God Rattus of Vengeance

I fundamentally believe that computers should help as many people as possible do as much as possible, and the way to achieve that isn't by hiding what computers are doing; it's by making what computers are doing understandable and manipulable by users.

Computers should do what their users tell them to. No more, and no less.

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