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29 posts total
Bruno Miguel

Let me go outside, pwease :neko_xd: :nkoWhoaa: :yay: #Caturday

Bruno Miguel

Kissing me softly with his teeth
Kissing me softly with his teeth
Bitting my whole arm with his fangs
Kissing me softly with his teeth


Bruno Miguel

We got him a new harness, a more comfortable one, so he can move around better. So far, he's not disliking it. He even jumps with it.


Bruno Miguel

I'm a good employee, says Chico


Bruno Miguel

Look at this cute tummy :neocat_aww: #Cats

Bruno Miguel

#Caturday afternoon staring at the birds and being way too curious about the outside

Bruno Miguel

What better way to start a #Caturday than with napping

Bruno Miguel

He's so cute :blobaww: :anya_delighted:


Bruno Miguel

Chico getting his afternoon beauty sleep


Bruno Miguel

Blep face after eating a bit of dairy-free croissant #Caturday

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