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3 posts total
Tim Cowlishaw

Thinking quite seriously about proposing an informal 1-day symposium / conference on some intersection of Permacomputing / Digital media ecology / Critical infrastructure studies / Responses to environmental crises and digital media from art & design perspectives in Barcelona (and online obvs) end of 2023 / beginning of 2024.

is this something that would interest people?

Tim Cowlishaw

(no digáis nada a mi supervisor, debería estar redactando la tesis entonces 🤫 👿 )

Tim Cowlishaw

Worth mentioning in the communicating research findings session at #drs2022bilbao that the big social media platforms aren't the only option for disseminating research findings online: worth looking at open source & federated alternatives eg WordPress, Mastodon too.

Tim Cowlishaw

This isn't just a technical concern but a political one too - engaging only with large tech businesses means ceding control of our how our research findings are communicated to them, and makes us beholden to their priorities and interests

Tim Cowlishaw

"Windows has encountered a computer"


@mistertim that is a really good one. I tend to take pictures of computer errors on public displays. This is a really special example.

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