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11 posts total
Kiku (old account)

Pinning this just in case:

I fully moved to new accounts (and will no longer post on cybrespace):
English acc: @KikuTheFox
Russian acc: @KikuTheFox

Kiku (old account)

Пришла идея, что раз уж я всё равно тут переезжаю, то сделаю отдельный акк для постов на русском

Ибо судя по моей активности в соцсеточбках, щитпост на русском у меня получается куда лучше, чем на ангельском. Да и чо я с одним аккаунтом как лох, в конце концов

Kiku (old account)

Пойду к Инексу постучусь..


@KikuTheFox those are the times where I wish translation would be a thing in fedi clients, bc I would follow your russisan only account too, if it was accessible for me that is

Kiku (old account)

Don't know whether decision to move to Misskey was the right one, it's kinda meh on mobile..

Kiku (old account)

my instance is shutting down, so i'm going to find a new home on fedi

and perhaps i should try some non-mastodon instance this time

Kiku (old account)

Sorry for long absence (again lol)

I think I'm trying out Misskey, although I'm not sure whether I would be able to move account there (I don't know whether moving accounts is a Mastodon feature or ActivityPub one)

Kiku (old account)

Decided to try Haiku on actual hardware again and it booted!
Previous time I tried this few years ago (on the same laptop) it just got stuck on a boot logo

Kiku (old account)

regular reminder not to use IM without e2e for any discussions which have even remote possibility of getting you in trouble

Kiku (old account)

why the hell every single windows program puts itself into startup apps list without even asking

no, teams, i don't want an additional browser to launch itself every time i turn on computer

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