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4 posts total
Will 🌹🏴

Since there's an influx of fellow nerds getting ideas a about new @activitypub projects:

Did you know the @guppegroups server is <250 lines of code? That's because it's powered by activitypub-express, the modular ActivityPub implementation for NodeJS with 90% test coverage.

Will 🌹🏴

Just incredible software design here. Windows 11 requires that you connect to WiFi before it will let you go to the desktop to install your WiFi drivers. The official MS documentation says what you should do in this case is manually install the drivers from usb + command prompt

Esther Payne 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

🤔It's like they were nostalgic for the 90s, what's next hand coding an entry in config.sys?

Ronnie Tucker

@datatitian Jesus. That's like Linux when I first started using it ten years ago when you had to use an ethernet connection to download broadcom drivers (or get them via a USB stick).

Will 🌹🏴

Careful not to like too many posts from Chinese news media or this guy will start following you

Mike Flugennock

@datatitian Jeezus, look at that handle, and the 0 followers. So fake an account that it couldn't be any less NOT fake.

Will 🌹🏴

@darius I wonder if Hometown could serve as an alternative to slack for for a project. Non-federated posts obv. vital for internal comms, but could be convenient to be able to make public posts right from the same platform. Hashtags could approximate channels. What do you think?

Darius Kazemi

@datatitian I suppose it *could* work, though I worry about the approximately 1 million edge cases that people in a work environment want. I think the biggest single terrible thing would be the lack of search: even with an elasticsearch cluster indexing Mastodon/Hometown, it's really hard to find stuff, and there is a lack of any advanced search operators (or at least ones that are documented). So it would be really easy to lose the record of a conversation.

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