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53 posts total
Ms. Que Banh

Asher was hiding & napping under the duvet.
Poked his head out, when I called for him. He has crawled back under & hid himself again.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

One of my fave older family vids. Mom petting & talking to Asher, shortly after I adopted him from the CRD shelter.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #CatsAreFamily #family #AsianMastodon #Teochew

Ms. Que Banh

2 weeks before Halloween that year, a friend dropped off this free, cute #bee #costume for my #kitty Asher. Her cat was too big to fit it. The costume fit Asher & he was so adorable in it 😍😺

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #PetCostumes #CatCostumes #BeeCat #CuteCat

Ms. Que Banh

#Caturday morning.
1 spot, 3 shots.
Asher is watching morning birds & invasive ground lizards traffic, through the front window.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

#FlashbackFriday & #FelineFriday 2fer 😺
2020, 1.5 months after I adopted Asher.
He won a local #Halloween #PetCostume contest as a ladybug #kitty & scored himself a $100 gift certificate 😽

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #CatsInCostume

Ms. Que Banh

Good morning.
I've watered all my plants outside.
Back in warm bed with my cuddle cat & having some tea. I have a long work day ahead. I have shorter work days Wednesday-Friday.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

Asher is pretty pleased with himself for catching & eating 2 small house spiders. One #SmugCat 😸

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

Made myself a bowl of #ramen #noodles #soup - added some torn up, leftover #chicken & some ripped up #lettuce. Warmed & filled me up.
Asher was guarding my bowl.

Making some tea now. Going to enjoy my tea & do some leisurely reading for rest of the afternoon 😊

#AsianMastodon #AsianFood #EthnicEats #CulturalFood #NoodleLovers #POCfoods #FoodCulture #AsianDiaspora #SouthEastAsianFood #TootSEA #Homemade #Food #Homecooking #iLoveNoods #CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Made myself a bowl of #ramen #noodles #soup - added some torn up, leftover #chicken & some ripped up #lettuce. Warmed & filled me up.
Asher was guarding my bowl.

Making some tea now. Going to enjoy my tea & do some leisurely reading for rest of the afternoon 😊

#AsianMastodon #AsianFood #EthnicEats #CulturalFood #NoodleLovers #POCfoods #FoodCulture #AsianDiaspora #SouthEastAsianFood #TootSEA #Homemade #Food #Homecooking #iLoveNoods #CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse

Ms. Que Banh

Can't forget my beloved fur buddy, Asher on #Caturday.
He was loving the window sunshine today 💗

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

Asher: It's past 4pm. You posted photos of a stranger cat. What about ME?!? I live here!

OK. Settle down, feisty feline.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats

Ms. Que Banh

Informing Asher that hummingbirds are our friends & to please stop attacking the windows whenever he sees them flying outside.
His face is like: But why? They just look like oversized flies to my indoor cat eyes.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #WhiskersWednesday

Ms. Que Banh

Asher was hunting/playing with this spider, early morning. He didn't kill it. In the video, you'll see kitty walking away, after he tried to paw spider again & the spider raised its legs in defense.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #spider #DomesticHunter

Ms. Que Banh

This is the smug face of a #cat who is resting & digesting the 3 houseflies he caught & ate this morning.

Asher is a great indoors housefly hunter.

#CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #SmugMug

Ms. Que Banh

Asher, actively listening to me. I'm telling him that he has 2 houseflies to hunt down, this afternoon. He has accepted the fly hunting task & is running around, chasing them now.

I speak to my cat mostly in Teochew. He can understand English & Teochew words.

#CatsOfMastodon #Attentive #CatLovers #CatsOfTheFediverse #CatContent #FediCats #CaturdayEveryday

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