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10 posts total
Martin L. Martens

It's International Cat Day. Quinsam and Kyuquot expect their breakfast right away.


Martin L. Martens

One cat in a box inevitably leads to two cats in a box.

#caturday #cats

Muro deGrizeco :toad:

@mlmartens is this like...a Schrödinger uncertainty thing? "We cannot know how many cats are in the box, until we measure..."

Or is it like a cardboard box cat laser? A resonant-cavity cat amplifier that produces new cats?

Martin L. Martens

My new office assistant has creative ways of showing up to help.


Martin L. Martens

I'm not sure what this juvenile Great Horned Owl is thinking but I get the impression that it's not happy that it hasn't had breakfast yet. (Telephoto lens, photo tightly cropped)

#BritishColumbiaBirds #Birds #VancouverIsland #Owl

Martin L. Martens

The dog next door - Rohan really wants to say "Hi" and get a nice rub as a greeting. Cookies are a bonus, if you have one.



@mlmartens isn't it amazing how diverse dogs really are. My Doberman in similar situation will have your hand as a snack

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