@vurren generally not a big fan of reposts but after almost 80 years it is astonishing how fresh Reinhardts memes are today. Thanks for resurfacing this.
In case someone is looking for the source:
Ad Reinhardt
"How to Look at a Cubist Painting" (detail), P.M., January 27, 1946.
@vurren Rando: lol, they call *this* art?? 😂😏
Painting: "Your FACE is art!😤"
@vurren generally not a big fan of reposts but after almost 80 years it is astonishing how fresh Reinhardts memes are today. Thanks for resurfacing this.
In case someone is looking for the source:
Ad Reinhardt
"How to Look at a Cubist Painting" (detail), P.M., January 27, 1946.