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Jeff :verifiedgay_2:

“What next, should I have a computer that eats my dinner and fucks my wife?” is one of those perfect sentences that just sticks in your head

zooophagous on Tumblr:
I had a tattoo client ask if l ever used Al to design tattoos for me. Man I
spent the better part of a decade doing shitty bit work as a graphic
designer and now that I have the space to do whatever I want, I'm
gonna let the computer generate random garbage for me? What next
should I have a computer that eats my dinner and fucks my wife?
I feel like people get so hung up on the results of a thing that they
don't appreciate that the process of making it is, actually, enjoyable.
It's like if you have a friend who likes to bake, asking if they'd like to
just buy cupcakes from the store instead of making them. The end
result of the cupcake is secondary to the joy you get from having
made cupcakes.
Art isn't a slog or a chore or something I want to avoid. Art is fun. It's
rewarding. It feels good to do it. You may as well be asking me if I want
the Al to watch television for me, it doesn't make any sense, I'm not
participating and would gain nothing from it.
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@jnadeau The problem is, as always, capitalism.

Business people want to use AI as a shortcut to creating art so they can use or sell it for profit, without investing the time to learn and use skills to create it themselves or the money to pay someone who did. They see no problem with this because they do not value the art or the artists. Artists have a problem with this because they live in a capitalist hellscape where they need to sell their work to survive instead of just being able to create for creation's sake, and now the capitalists are trying to cut them out of the loop. "Let them paint cake."

@jnadeau The problem is, as always, capitalism.

Business people want to use AI as a shortcut to creating art so they can use or sell it for profit, without investing the time to learn and use skills to create it themselves or the money to pay someone who did. They see no problem with this because they do not value the art or the artists. Artists have a problem with this because they live in a capitalist hellscape where they need to sell their work to survive instead of just being able to create for...


@jnadeau I've seen some _really_ _really_ bad tattoos that people are stuck with forever. I get the point here, but I just have to point out that many people would be better off with a soulless AI generated tattoo design. Of course, the actual execution would still be done by a person currently, so there's still plenty of room for the worst of both worlds.

Luka Rubinjoni

@jnadeau I already hear an overly enthusiastic elevator pitch about new tech that eats wives and fucks dinners.

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