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Laura Helmuth

Have you encountered the idea that language is necessary for thought? It was pretty widely accepted for decades, but new research shows it's not so. This is a fun story about a new way of thinking about thinking

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@laurahelmuth It's strange such an idea persist, as anyone having experienced a temporary aphasia could testify being able to do complexe tasks and make decisions.

(it was a very strange experience, like if everything was blurred)

Chris L

@laurahelmuth I am pretty sure when I am doing math or some software design there is no spoken language just a sort of mashing different mental structures together. In math I find all the different names for things to be a confusing replacement for what they really are.

Martin Seeger

@laurahelmuth The first time I learned that some people don’t have an inner dialogue, I was completely stupefied. I didn’t think that was possible. Live to learn …

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