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3 posts total

We invite you to an online salon on the alarming development of the hollowing of the Public Domain through cultural heritage laws with a focus on Italy.

Register here and join us on Tuesday, June 18th, 15:00-16:00 CEST:


Giulia Dore (University of Trento) & Giulia Priora (NOVA School of Law in Lisbon) will present their independent expert opinion which you can already read on our website:


It has become increasingly common for publishers to limit access to #eBooks by imposing highly restrictive licensing conditions, demanding excessive prices, or simply denying licenses. This needs to stop. Join us in two weeks for our salon!

Register here:


The current legal framework doesn’t enable libraries to play their crucial role in ensuring access to knowledge & culture in the digital environment. Join us on wed 29/05 from 15-16h for our salon on e-lending to learn what needs to be done! Register here


We will be joined by Stephen Wyber (Director External Affairs at IFLA) who will give an overview of the state of e-lending in Europe.

Konrad Gliściński (Jagiellonian University/Centrum Cyfrowe), the principal investigator of a forthcoming study, commissioned by KR21 will present his findings on secure digital lending as well as suggestions for a legal intervention.

The event will be moderated by COMMUNIA Legal Director Teresa Nobre, who will also present our new policy paper on this issue.

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