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Simon W 🙄 🆙 ⚛️


Those who want to access YouTube without ads have legit means that are fair to the content providers who mostly rely on the ad-supported revenue from them.

The rest should just use another site instead of trying to leech content, legally or through a loophole or not. If the content they want isn't elsewhere they should think about why it isn't. Content producers who don't want to support YouTube shouldn't post there either, there are many other options.

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@tux0r 🥥 Please add #TikTok, Insta, and Meta on the right side of that list. Thank you. 🥥


@tux0r alt text
alt text
Angel of death killed Digg, Twitter and Reddit. It's knocking to the Youtube, which's next.

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