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8 posts total
Threads users aged 18+ with public profiles can now choose to share their Threads posts to other ActivityPub-compliant servers -- which means they an federate across the Mosr Bridge! Here's how to follow opted-in accounts on Threads from Nosr.

At the moment, Threads federation only works one way, and it''s unclear how many users are opting in. Nonetheless, we know that growing the available network on #Nostr is key for lowering the barrier to entry new users experience when joining decentralized platforms. #GrowNostr

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Threads users aged 18+ with public profiles can now choose to share their Threads posts to other ActivityPub-compliant servers -- which means they an federate across the Mosr Bridge! Here's how to follow opted-in accounts on Threads from Nosr.

We've added the ability to look up supported accounts by their local username across multiple platforms including the Fediverse, Bluesky, and Threads!

Try it here:
Nostr users can now follow Bluesky accounts thanks to a combination of the Mostr Bridge and @08071429! Learn how to follow Bluesky users from #Nostr:
With major companies like Meta realizing the future potential of decentralized social media, connecting across protocols has never been more important.

#Nostr users can soon follow anyone on Threads via the Mostr bridge as Meta adds support for Activity Pub. This opens up a massive base of mainstream users, breaking down the #networkeffect barrier that new protocols struggle to overcome. This is hugely important for user retention.

Hopefully, once Threads users discover Nostr through our bridged interactions, they will realize what they're missing out on by staying under the control of Meta! #GrowNostr
With major companies like Meta realizing the future potential of decentralized social media, connecting across protocols has never been more important.

#Nostr users can soon follow anyone on Threads via the Mostr bridge as Meta adds support for Activity Pub. This opens up a massive base of mainstream users, breaking down the
Did you know you can follow Free Culture artist and activist @ninapaley on #Nostr via the Mostr Bridge to the Fediverse?

#GrowNostr #artist
Should we add support for Ghost to the bridge? 👀
Did you know you can follow The Oatmeal commics on #Nostr thanks to the Mostr bridge to Mastodon?

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