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4 posts total
Robin Wilson

Wondering about putting some sort of geospatial meetup on the #emfcamp schedule - just a time to meet in the lounge/bar and geek-out about geo. What do you think @Emily_S @ultrazool @Laura (I think I got the right Laura!) and anyone else geo I know going?

#emfcamp2024 #geospatial #geo #gis #eo #remotesensing

Robin Wilson

Fascinating page of UI/UX patterns for including maps in apps/web pages/etc at

Found via @geomob newsletter (I recommend you subscribe, and not just because one of my projects was mentioned this month!)

#geospatial #gis #webmap

Robin Wilson

My Free GIS Data website has now been updated, and all broken links have either been fixed or removed. Blog post about it at, and main site at

#geospatial #gis #data

Robin Wilson

GeoPandas has released an alpha of v1.0.0 - time to check it works with your code.

Details at, changes include switching default loader from fiona to pyogrio (nice! I often forget to use pyogrio and it'll save me time), requiring Shapely 2.0, removing built-in datasets, and deprecating some stuff.

#gis #geospatial #geopandas #python

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