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31 posts total
Ash Furrow

I have sad news: will be shutting down by the end of 2022. Access will be restricted no earlier than December 1.

More details here:

I encourage you to export your data and migrate to a new server as soon as possible.

Thank you to everyone who trusted me as their admin. This was a difficult decision. I wish I could continue, but I can't.

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@ashfurrow thank you for all you've done for the community. ❤️

mortal wombat

Thank you for this great instance and fun!
All the best with your next undertakings 🙂

Aral Balkan

@ashfurrow Wishing you and your family all the best, Ash. And thank you for running it for as long as you did.

Needless to say, I concur that a small web of single tenant sites that can communicate with each other is the way forward. And we need lighter-weight, single tenant apps to make that happen :)

Take care + lots of love 💕

Ash Furrow

I just hit Docker Hub's asinine rate-limiting. Well, *I* didn't hit it, my Docker-container-registry-as-a-service hit it, sooooo. Great. Deploys of m.t are currently blocked.

I cannot *WAIT* to get off this for the instance.

Docker is such a cool concept but between technical hurdles and everybody trying to make a buck, it sucks. Sorry to say it but Docker sucks.

Eugen Rochko

@ashfurrow There was some other container registry for Docker images. Maybe I should switch to that...

Ash Furrow

Ray Bradbury: Robot dogs bad! No good, folks!

Boston Dynamics: haha hound go brrrrrr

Ash Furrow

more like “Massive Dynamic” amirite? haha where are my Fringe heads at

Ash Furrow

@bclindner three weeks uninterrupted uptime awww yeah!!!!

I’m sure that memory usage graph is nothing to worry about lolol unused ram is wasted ram!

Eugen Rochko

@ashfurrow @bclindner Did this start with 3.3, or 3.2, or earlier? I noticed the same issue and I’m pretty sure it didn’t used to happen

Ash Furrow

most web developers know better than to create an open source application framework, let alone do it twice 😤

Ash Furrow

is this a shitpost? or do I actually really like dhh’s novel “send browsers HTML over HTTP” framework?

honestly even I’m not sure anymore

Ash Furrow

Good morning. Dave is feeling a lot better today.

Ash Furrow

Day 13 in the new apartment. The cats have entered late-first-season of “Stargate: Atlantis” mode, if that makes sense. Getting comfortable in the new place but it’s still got lots of scary mysteries. The poor things.

Ash Furrow

y’all, I am so mad

when I bought my tv a few years ago, the salesperson was like “now, the tv has speakers, but you’re really gonna want to get a sound bar, because tv speakers basically suck” so I got the sound bar, great.

flash forward to today. I’m setting up the tv at the new apartment and I realize that for all this time, I haven’t even been using the sound bar. just tv speakers. turned it on today for the first time ever. it sounds great! way better than before!

Ash Furrow

so wait, I have to power this thing off and on separately? I have to use a separate freaking remote to adjust the volume? hardly seems worth it just for “better sound” but go off

Ash Furrow

every now and then my fios internet will refuse to upload until I visit speedtest dot net and do a speed test. then it's fine for a while. why.

Eugen Rochko

@ashfurrow Do you think they detect when you visit the website and reduce their throttle temporarily to get a better rating?

Ash Furrow

on the one hand, Apple is a closed ecosystem and that’s bad

OTOH, the new watchOS let’s you make pride flag watch faces, so who can say

Ash Furrow

Happy to take this elsewhere, but...

I'm seeing thousands of failures of the ActivityPub::ProcessingWorker job in Sidekiq, almost all of them with the actor but I don't really understand where these jobs are coming from. That URL doesn't exist, and the errors are all timeouts (makes sense). Destination has `framatube` in it.

Any easy way to track down how these jobs are getting enqueued and stop this?

Have to step back, will check in later!

Ash Furrow

omg is this an IPv6 thing? I'm going to loose my shit

Ash Furrow

*panics* oh god why is load increasing again oh god oh god oh—

the daily database backup is underway 😑

Eugen Rochko

@ashfurrow I've had the worst panics from accidentally trying to deploy new database migrations during the daily backup run

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