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2 posts total
Melissa BearTrix

Are there any other watch and clock makers (horologists) On the fediverse?

Boost for reach please... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

#horologist and #horologists

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Louanne Cooley

Not an horologist, but maybe you or others on this thread can give some advice.

Found this ladies watch yesterday going through old jewelry box of my grandmothers. I think it was my great-grandmothers. It’s lovely, but I’ve no idea how to wind it, if needs work or where to take it to be evaluated. Where should I start?

Close up of the face of a small ladies watch. The winding hole is visible on the upper outer edge and the face under the 12 says 
The face is black with gold letters and numbers at the very bottom under the six in tiny letters it says SWISS MADE
Back of a small ladies watch on a chain with a clear crystal so the inner gears and workings are visible. The outer orange enamel is worn at the bottom near where the winding hole (not visible) is located. At the point where pins join some of the gears, are tiny ruby colored gaskets? Enamel?
A round watch with an orange enamel outer ring hanging from a silver chain with orange enamel elements shaped like long pointed end flattened cylinders. The watch is attached so that when hanging it would be upside down, but readable when lifted to one’s face.
Alvaro Montoro

@Melissabeartrix if digital clocks count, I made a few in HTML and CSS... although some of them are not too accurate

Melissa BearTrix

Do you rip your USB stick out without "ejecting" it and wait till it's safe?

Boost just because your beautiful ... Yeah you are ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

Anonymous poll


199 people voted.
Voting ended 15 Sep 2024 at 21:24.
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Melissa BearTrix


Come on let's get 100k votes ... We are nearly there ... spread the word ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Dan Lyke

@Melissabeartrix actually, I eject and wait, and then I forget that it's still plugged into my hub, and MacOS automatically mounts it and I don't notice and then MacOS chastises me for not unmounting it. So both answers.


@Melissabeartrix No. I've only ever had it be an issue one time, but that issue led to days of work to correct.

Bear in mind, I worked in IT where I was doing this several times per day. It's probably even less likely to be an issue for the average user.

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