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76 posts total
Sasha 🏳‍🌈

Do not click opt-out in spammers' e-mails. They use this to check whether you're receiving and reading their messages. Plus, you don't have to opt-out of something you never opted-in. Just move spam letters, well, to spam.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

*Goes to ‘Federated’ feed.*

> 9gag girls

— But what about guys!

*Closes federated.*

Sorry, can't take this feed seriously.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

De-normalise using a phone number as ID.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

Ну вы тут развели войну насчёт XMPP v Matrix.

И зачем оно надо. Понятно же, что Telegram — лучший мессенджер.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

I'm taking time off Mastodon. There are many reasons for that, which I won't list over here (it's something to deal with overall experience).

That is not my final goodbye and I'll be visiting you from time to time, but just so you know.

I will prioritize back maintaining my Telegram channel, but it's in Russian, unfortunately, so I'm not linking it here.

Cya 👋

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

TIL in Firefox if you drag and drop link or file on Download toolbar icon, that'll download it.

Eugen Rochko

@sasha_sorokin You can also drag and drop a file from the download list to an upload button on a website to upload it

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

Imagine replying to random post, getting fav and reply. Crazy, right? That's fediverse, by the way.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

In 3.2.0 we've got rid of “Boost to original audience” menu option for private toots.

Yes, you always could boost these, it was just hidden in the menu all this time! Now we just show regular boost button, confusion no more!

Though, there was a change that adds a little lock on the boost icon and it's interesting to hear what you think of it:

Do you think it's necessary to show this lock? Is that a little confusing?

Share your feedback on GitHub or here in replies!

In 3.2.0 we've got rid of “Boost to original audience” menu option for private toots.

Yes, you always could boost these, it was just hidden in the menu all this time! Now we just show regular boost button, confusion no more!

Though, there was a change that adds a little lock on the boost icon and it's interesting to hear what you think of it:

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

I wanted to include line “I identify as a clown” in my README on GitHub, but then thought this could be offensive to some people and this is not what I want. Oh well.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

Me: stressing for a few hours that my right eye sees badly after sleeping, already accepted that I'm going blind.

also me: *clears eye*

*starts seeing fine*

*don't know what to feel anymore*

Eugen Rochko

@sasha_sorokin I can't hear well from one ear right now :scremcat:

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

TIL: There's a thing called ‘Prepack’ that actually evaluates some simple (or not) expressions in your JS code and replaces them with the result.

So, like:
console.log(['hello', 'world'].includes('world'))

will be optimized to:

Wow. This is cool, you can learn more here:

Eugen Rochko

@sasha_sorokin We use something like this for some emoji stuff

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

@Gargron it's time to tell instance administrators that blocking other instances prejudicially does more harm to the fediverse, than good to the users.

We need to encourage users to actively use self moderation tools such as blocking and filtering, and teach administrators that domain blocking should be a last resort action — e.g. when one instance actively attacks yours, not when one users from that other instance says something that single user on your instance may be offended of.

Eugen Rochko

@sasha_sorokin No amount of me telling that will convince anyone who actually does that

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

So Spotify now allows you to set Russia as your country in Settings. And what happens when you do this is that you lose access to many songs and some pages just stop working, because remember — “Spotify is not available in this country”. What a beautiful trap it is.

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

Discord: introduces pointless design change.

Users: bla bla angwy >:|

Discord: reverts the change long time after.

Users: YAAAY! THanks papa Discord love ya aa this is such a good change!! 🎉 👍 👍

Sasha 🏳‍🌈

My brain fails to understand how does navigation on GitHub work when you press back/forward buttons on your mouse.

Eugen Rochko

@sasha_sorokin Wait, what's going on? Did I upload that branch already? It's not done

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