Happy #FlatFuckFriday my friends :nyancat_body: :nyancat_face: This guy does this sometimes (very often) in summer :ultracate: In this household, this is how we look when we wake up from a nap :breathe: Silly boi's been staring at the ice cube for 5 minutes like this 😻 #Fariña's having a bit of fun this morning with his favourite toy 🐟 I'm gonna call this picture The Revelation :aaaa: In this house, we don't hate Mondays, we hate capitalism :coolcat: Also, draw me like one of your French girls :welp: #Fariña likes to sit on the windowsill at this time of the evening and see what's going on in the neighborhood. Some pigeons and magpies might be what interests him above all. Have a lovely rest of the day :nyancat_face: Today it's this big boi's birthday 🎂 (5 years old). He doesn't know it yet, but he'll have double portion of wet food for dinner :blobcatfluffpats: 💚 Me and #Fariña checking out your toots on this lazy #Caturday morning. Enjoy your day :CattoHeart: Good morning #CatsOfMastodon :bop_cat: |