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65 posts total

Chilling vibes for this #Caturday :vibing:
Headpats for all #CatsOfMastodon

Fariña, orange and white cat, chilling on top of a speaker

Pues estos días estoy cuidando a la gata de otra vecina. Creo que me van a echar de menos las vecinas (y yo a ellas, claro 😞).

Esta preciosidad quinceañera es Chloe y ya me tiene enamorado 😻

#catsofmastodon #allcatsarebeautiful

Gata negra con ojos amarillos tumbada elegantemente en una cama, mirando hacia la derecha de la cámara

#Fariña ha decidido que este será su transportín para la mudanza. Bless him 💕

#CatsOfMastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful

Fariña, orange and white cat, sitting inside a travel bag with some clothes

I think #Fariña is trying to tell me I shouldn't have packed certain book yet before moving houses :sadness:
#catsofmastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful


At a vet clinic near my house they have this on the window and I don't know why but I find it hilarious. Poor kitten seems to be begging "Please, get me out of here. I'm being pushed by doggy".

#catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon

Vet clinic window with the picture of a brown puppy sitting next to a white kitten. The latter seems to be tilted sideways as if the puppy were pushing him

I think #Fariña is trying to hypnotise me so I give him more treats :aaaa:
#catsofmastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful


Once again, I'm looking after my neighbour's cats (Hamlet and Momo) ❤️

(Probably for the last time 😢)

#catsofmastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful

Calico cat on a chair with her mouth wide open (yawning)
Tuxedo cat sitting on a sofa armrest staring at the camera

I know I've posted a similar picture before, but it seems that #Fariña thinks this is the proper posture for #Caturday :PinkCatNod:

#catsofmastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful

Fariña, orange and white cat, lying stretched on a carpet with his left front paw pointing towards the camera

Awake since 6 am :sadness: Too hot and too many worries. Let's hope #Caturday brings us better moments.

#Fariña #CatsOfMastodon #AllCatsAreBeautiful

Fariña, orange and white cat, sitting on a coffee table under the window. There's a white water fountain to his right and a picture frame to his left with a postcard that reads "Read a fucking book"
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