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Samantha E Xavia

This is such as cool video that explains that Mastodon is not just a Twitter Replacement. Gonna try and show this to people that haven't got into Mastodon before.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #ExplainerVideo

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Nice entry with the Ford-Musk comparison.
By the way: Henry Ford was a frenetic antisemite and he first published the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in the US in his own newspaper "The Dearborn Independent". Ford bought the newspaper 17 years after its establishment.
And (I didn't know that until now) Musk also bought Twitter 17 years after it was established and then he published #antisemitism
This means nothing of course, but it'd be funny if it wasn't so awful :blobconfused:

Lauren Weinstein

@sam The problem is that for most people who want to leave #Twitter/X, as close a replacement as possible (minus Musk) is EXACTLY what they want.


Aaaand here is the (presumably original) #Peertube link:

But admittedly, it doesn't load as quickly for me 😅

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