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315 posts total
moved to outerheaven
Was wondering what will happen if I were to run mkfs on file and this happened. Thought it was funny
:umu: :umu:
~ $ touch "yo mama"
~ $ mkfs.vfat "yo mama"
mkfs.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
mkfs.vfat: unable to discover size of yo mama
moved to outerheaven
Btw if this butt has a non-zero size, mkfs properly runs making it FAT
moved to outerheaven
тохоплазмозис :Yukkuri_Reimu:
moved to outerheaven
:blobwtfnotlikethis: ёшкин блобкот
moved to outerheaven
french kissing (we eat baguette from both sides and end up in a kiss)
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