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2 posts total
Dušan 🇷🇸 :arch: ⚛️

Are we Anti-Corporate/Anti-Capitalist or are we open? Turns out you can't have both. But choosing either one is not a crime, we should be able to express these ideas freely.

The whole debacle around Meta *potentially* joining the Fediverse is getting on my nerves.

I myself stand on the open side. If an average Joe can use APub, I see of no reason why Meta wouldn't be able to.

But what really grinds my gears is that people form premature judgments about the whole thing.


Dušan 🇷🇸 :arch: ⚛️

YunoHost is amazing. I never thought I'd say this, but their one click app installs are phenomenal.


@dusnm And looks like they have a ton of apps/services to install as well

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