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428 posts total
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
The thing I learned from my phone breaking, MORE BACKUPS
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
I think my phone died because of rain... :cry_cirno:

I cannot even turn it OFF (only thing even remotely working is fastboot mode, but I can only reboot from here, force shutdown also reboots)
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Screen tried to come off while I tried to get protective glass off...

Not good :cry_cirno:
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Trying to split NixOS config into several files is successful... Kinda? It works and vaguely understand where did I put what things
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Obsidian Kanban board plugin is really comf :comfy_cirno:
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Thinking about making some smart NixOS config files structure to not scroll through all of configuration.nix to search for something, but also to not check several files trying to remembering where I left some specific config part either
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Hm... It seems borg/vorta backups are ~twice as fast compared to just rsyncing files
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Since I now have relatively light home folder I decided to start making full home folder backups (+ NixOS root can be basically backed up just by copying configuration files)
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
I should probably find a better backup software though, rsync is cool but fails at keeping symlinks while backing up to exFat drive and lacks encryption of it's own
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Apparently, NixOS has best memory management from distros I tried by default. It actually has working OOM killer that while doesn't prevent lagging, prevents full hangups I got on other distros, despite now I don't even swap or zram configured (though I should do it ^^)
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
My old Fedora home folder has 48 hidden folders and 26 hidden files, though it also has way more stuff in .config and .local since I used it for a 3/4 of a year without much cleaning, but wow this is impossible to use when compared to clean new install I only used for ~1 week
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Linux software that stores files right in the Home directory is like a guest that comes to your house and doing restroom things right in hallway
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Having separate NixOS configs ("specializations" to choose from in GRUB) for proprietary and open source drivers on NVIDIA+Intel laptop really pays off, noveau doesn't really work but doesn't power on the discrete card either unlike official NVIDIA ones that always power the card on and turn laptop into heater even if it just at desktop and actually only uses the integrated card at the moment
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Launching local Nextcloud (not inernet-facing, just a test one) with NixOS is very easy.

My revenge for my previous docker attempts feels sucessful :comfy_cirno:
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Husky being husky.

I should check if someone made issues about these bugs and if not, make them myself
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Apparently, BizHawk, multi system emulator for tool-assisted speedruns does not only have linux version that works except for n64 emulator, but also an work in progress nix expression

I'd like to imagine that one developer working on linux port decided to make nix version as a treat, after long days of resolving dependency hell of windows-centric old codebase
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Actually, it seems I was half right, that developer is focusing on Nix to make it one of default multi-distro builds.

Let's wish him good luck on that, it seems from github issues that bizhawk codebase is a mess
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Apparently my GPU is not really enough for Stable Diffusion, it only worked through one WebUI that had some specific optimizations optionally enabled.

Now that this specific webui doesn't work with NixOS I cannot even generate 512 x 512 image, it throws CUDA out of memory errors at me. I could use enviroment variables to force CUDA to fragment stuff it does, but it will probably slow down it a lot more than well tested optimizations, so I will just postpone deleting Fedora partition for that usecase, I guess? (Also, llama webUIs are not packaged for nixOS at all as for now)
Apparently my GPU is not really enough for Stable Diffusion, it only worked through one WebUI that had some specific optimizations optionally enabled.

Now that this specific webui doesn't work with NixOS I cannot even generate 512 x 512 image, it throws CUDA out of memory errors at me. I could use enviroment variables to force CUDA to fragment stuff it does, but it will probably slow down it a lot...
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
I'm really sad there is basically no way to have friends leave proprietary chats. Both network effect and UI/UX of foss competitors is too much of a hurdle to overcome to them just to please one privacy fanatic (me)
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

My predictions about threads:

FaceBook will fail to receive enough control over fediverse for time being, thanks to publicity their issues was given. They will probably be federated with some new instances, especially corporate-driven ones.

The thing they will or federating with mastodon social is good for reason you can contact person from threads by creating an account on mastosoc. It should only be used if you MUST interact with someone at a proprietary network and Threads is an option. Otherwise ask to make mastodon account

My predictions about threads:

FaceBook will fail to receive enough control over fediverse for time being, thanks to publicity their issues was given. They will probably be federated with some new instances, especially corporate-driven ones.

The thing they will or federating with mastodon social is good for reason you can contact person from threads by creating an account on mastosoc. It should only be used if you MUST interact with someone at a proprietary network and Threads is an option. Otherwise...

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
Seriously, I don't understand all people on the internet that say that they don't understand why NixOS isn't more popular. I personally like it, but I would not recommend it to person who already gets overwhelmed by Arch, for example.

On the other hand, people saying this may be using NixOS more as server os and development tool, and they talk about recognition in professional development community than just recognition from linux users as a general use OS.

I would recommend nixos to a server administrator or developer (reproducibility, declaring everything in one syntax and on one cluster of config files...), person who likes to experiment with configurations and software (rollback on an older versions and ability to use nix shell to test software), and other people who may like it's features enough to go through big amount of issues it has.
Seriously, I don't understand all people on the internet that say that they don't understand why NixOS isn't more popular. I personally like it, but I would not recommend it to person who already gets overwhelmed by Arch, for example.

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
NixOS, simple when someone packaged software you need, pain in the ass otherwise (or if there is a problem you need to search in already closed issues and years old posts on forum for to find a hacky fix for)
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