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10 posts total
Owl! 🦉
I came to a thought that dehumanization of whatever people you don't like, reduction of them to some thoughtless zombies who simply hate all the good things, isn't just morally wrong, it's inherently irrational. The people who you think believe in some untrue things don't believe in them for some kind of delusional meaningless reason, they have their stories, their experience, their philosophy. All of this very well could be wrong and dumb, but it exists and affects the thought and decision making process of these people. Therefore, dehumanization and infantilization of your political opponents, among other things, harms your ability to explain and predict the reality.

I then thought for a bit longer and realized that lesswrong already had an article about it years ago, and i read it. That safetyist dude gave me so many good answers to so many bad questions...
I came to a thought that dehumanization of whatever people you don't like, reduction of them to some thoughtless zombies who simply hate all the good things, isn't just morally wrong, it's inherently irrational. The people who you think believe in some untrue things don't believe in them for some kind of delusional meaningless reason, they have their stories, their experience, their philosophy. All of this very well could be wrong and dumb, but it exists and affects the thought and decision making...
Owl! 🦉
За гремучую доблесть грядущих веков,
За высокое племя людей, —
Я лишился и чаши на пире отцов,
И веселья, и чести своей.

Мне на плечи кидается век-волкодав,
Но не волк я по крови своей:
Запихай меня лучше, как шапку, в рукав
Жаркой шубы сибирских степей...

Чтоб не видеть ни труса, ни хлипкой грязцы,
Ни кровавых костей в колесе;
Чтоб сияли всю ночь голубые песцы
Мне в своей первобытной красе.

Уведи меня в ночь, где течет Енисей
И сосна до звезды достает,
Потому что не волк я по крови своей
И меня только равный убьет.
За гремучую доблесть грядущих веков,
За высокое племя людей, —
Я лишился и чаши на пире отцов,
И веселья, и чести своей.
Owl! 🦉
Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line

And I am hiding in this empty space
Tortured by my memories
Of what I left behind

Shut the fuck up, get up!
Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line

And I am hiding in this empty space
Owl! 🦉
Troons are niggers, faggots and pedophile retards
Troon genocide is OK

They betrayed me when i needed them he most 😭
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