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5 posts total
Dillo browser

#Dillo 3.1.0 is now available in the repositories of Arch Linux, Alpine, Fedora, FreeBSD Ports, Homebrew, Majeia, Manjaro, Nixpkgs, NetBSD (pkgsrc), OpenBSD Ports, OpenMandriva and Void Linux.

Still waiting for Debian (and derived distros) to catch up.

Thanks to all volunteers who helped updating to the new version :blobcathug:

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Alex Holst

@dillo Congratulations! Projects like Dillo and Ladybird gives me hope that all is not lost in the new browser wars.


@dillo I'm sorry to ask, but what is proving that you have lost domain name?

I've just flagged the package dillo as outdated on archkinux repos. But it always presents as the upstream site.

So, I'm not sure that the package maintainer will accept my request. If he/she won't, how can I justify ?

Dillo browser

Building #Dillo from an old Samsung phone with an ARMv6 CPU and 290 MiB of RAM.

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