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13 posts total
Now in private beta, invites will be rolling out daily ✨ #loops
Ь∅ \\ Calienø :bulbasaurroll:

@loops honestly this might be the first time ever being hyped for the release of a social media platform lmao


@loops I'm interested in finding out more about this project. I'll have to wait and see.

✨ Loops + Android
Shipping soon 🚀

✨Hello Notification Feed!
We just finished adding the notification feature to Loops, along with Push Notification and filtering.

We hope you're ready 🚀
Happy Friday!

We added Push Notifications to our app, we're hoping to onboard a few of you this weekend! 🥳

#Loops #LoopsBeta #PushNotifications
We're ready for you, the real question is, are you ready for us?

Hello Comments!

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- Likes
- Shares
- Order by latest, newest or most popular
- Mention/reply push notifications

and a lot more! Available soon ✨

Hello Comments!

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- Shares
- Order by latest, newest or most popular
✨ Search, Share and more are now implemented!

We're almost ready to start onboarding beta testers 🥳

✨ Another milestone reached!

The backend is ready for beta testing, and we're looking forward to reaching out to a few people next week to join the beta!

Things are about to get loopy 🥳

#loops #activitypub #tiktok
✨ Another milestone reached!

The backend is ready for beta testing, and we're looking forward to reaching out to a few people next week to join the beta!
Loops profile screenshot ✨

Are you ready for #Loops?
Loops Camera demo ✨

We're getting close to the public beta release!

#loops #fediverse #activityPub
After a few iterations, late nights, and endless testing, we've finished building the Loops Camera! 🎉

Get ready to capture your world like never before! 📸✨

#Loops #LoopsCamera #ComingSoon
Explore and share short videos on the fediverse, a new service by @pixelfed.

Available Soon. #loops #pixelfedLoops
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