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An #IndieWeb community member is doing a survey to better understand sentiments on social media and how personal websites and IndieWeb-like philosophies can help people who are dissatisfied with social media.

The survey is being done as part of an academic assignment.

If it interests you, I’d encourage you to help by filling out the survey!

#indieweb #blogging

( hellekin )

@capjamesg an indieweb survey on Gaggle docs, you must be kidding. This won't be relevant, obviously.


This week we are starting an online Homebrew Website Club Europe (Morning Edition), timed to allow for participants from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand to join.

If you want to chat about personal websites for an hour, join us on Thursday!

See more information about the event:

#indieweb #web

Mike Morris

@capjamesg So I guess participants in Africa should just do their own thing, then...?

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