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12 posts total

Ok, you varmints, I'm busy with critical negotiations, carry on with the routine office work and I'll be out soon to give you fresh instructions (I swear, they wouldn't be able to find their own seats if I wasn't on their case full time)


forgive her, she knoweth not what the photographer doeth


"Drat, they won't let me in the bar, I left my driving license at home"


"Don't get me wrong, they're fine pieces of metal and all, but, you know, I was rather thinking about a Maserati."


Feral cat, here's looking at you
Feral human, here's looking at you


Now you see me, now you don't.

Poor battered cat, fresh scars on her neck, was for the first time in years kind of skittish. Definitely not happy to be photographed.



Feral urban cat, being fed by a care group.

Caring for the cats makes sure the numbers don't go up excessively, and the cats themselves are healthy.

Some do find homes as well, but it's not the point.


Feral kitten doesn't appreciate being fed out in the yard. But the house has already adopted 2 strays, and they aren't nowhere welcoming enough. Yet.


Lion's head, from the Temple of Artemis (aka Diana), probably about 2,500 years old. Exhibit from the British Museum, now on show in Mumbai


"See? My scars are mostly healed.

Now give me your hand and let me nuzzle"

The amazing feral cat who calls to me from meters away, then comes up close to get rubbed and rasp her tongue over my palm and wrist.

Battle scarred creature.


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