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42 posts total
Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Humba is sporting a black bow tie!

The bowls are currently up in the dish rack, feeding time isn't for a while.

He made a cursory inspection as I was fumbling for the camera, saw there was nothing but dry food for him, and was quickly gone again.

😜 I'm sure I'll get a better picture later on, after everyone's been fed, and there are leftovers for him to clean.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Cat selfie!

Emma took this picure herself! The Handy was on the table, cam on... she reached out with her paw and tapped the screen!

😜 I now know kitty beans will activate touch screens.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪



Fuggit. I'm leaving the terrace door open. It's warm out. She went back to bed, again, so she can close it when she wakes up, again.

I'm just a can opener.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪


Humba is our cleanup service, going from bowl to bowl. Except Harley's, which is already emptied, by Harley. 😜 She's a growing kitty!

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

(Im Pogeruch)

🎼 My butt smell
Brings the the cats to my seat
Where they breath in deep
Of my butt smell 🎶
They breathe in deep
Then they go to sleep
In my butt smell 🎵

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Isopropanol hath arriven. The box it came came in fits perfectly between the handles of the wheelchair.

😜 The plan is kitty taxi. Harley already seems interested. (She used to scoot around with me on the rolly chair)

I think all it'll take is a few items flicked into the box.

The box flaps are taped into a loop around the handles; it's easily removed.

😜 On a side note, Dexter will be getting it's first cleaning soon.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

I *JUST* let him out. He doesn't want back in. He's just chillin' against our door.

🙄 He's not even our cat!

Meanwhile, is in full swing. 🤣 Her cinnamon flecks are from Golden Retriever genes.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪


While we did miss him while he was "away," he's becoming a pain in the ass again quickly. He sometimes visits 5 or 6 times a day.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Someone is waiting for entry chez Blippy.

We have the good cat food, and the ambience is conducive to festive feline fun.

Venez chez Blippy, pour vos besoins de chatte!

**remue sourcils**

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

🤣 I hadda go to the gas station to get her some smokes. Since I was out, I picked up cat food, and a Surprise Egg. I'm ready for the top of the hour.

😜 Guess who was waiting for me?

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

I noticed Harley was pawing frantically at the cupboard bottom, so I swept out underneath...

🤣 I swear the golden flecks in her fur are from Golden Retriever genes. 🧬

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