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Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

"You'll never make anything useful with that 3D printer!"

Challenge accepted!

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Howard Chu @ Symas

@BlippyTheWonderSlug that pattern needs its symmetry fine-tuned so it can fully interlock (like an Escher interlocking tile design) so you don't have to reroll excess cookie dough over and over

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Pussy joins me for some quality time, and promptly passes out, purring.

😜 I know what cats like
I know what cats want 🎵
I know what cats like
🎶 I've got what cats want
I know what cats like
I make them want me
🎵 I like to tease them
They want to cuddle
I always let them
I know what cats like
Cats like
Cats like me

#PussyGalore #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Pussy joins me for some quality time, and promptly passes out, purring.

😜 I know what cats like
I know what cats want 🎵
I know what cats like
🎶 I've got what cats want
I know what cats like
I make them want me
🎵 I like to tease them
They want to cuddle
I always let them
I know what cats like
Cats like
Cats like me

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Harley is a mighty huntress!

All that time playing #KittyFetch, flicking her my (empty) pill blisters, has paid off, and she proudly brings me the moth that she's been hunting the past few minutes.

😜 It was fun to watch.

#HarleyQuinn #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

I hadda go to the store for stuff. I met Franz, who is Not Our Cat. He came straight to me for scritches on entry, and accepted more upon egress.

He's such a slut.

The defensive walls of the ol' Imperial Palace glow in the setting sun.

#Franz #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

A beautiful #Sempervivum garden, and three #NotOurCat, I met along the way.

#Bloomscrolling #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

I'm admiring the #ScamnumArdenti, and music suddenly lets loose from the Aula! Sounds like gospel.

🤣 That is not a dead cat.

#HarleyQuinn #Caturday #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Finished with errands, chillin' at park across from the women's gym.

I foraged some breakfast along the way, and found a stack of pavers just sitting on the side of the road. 🙄 If only I'd seen them 10 days ago.

They were out of our brand at the REWE that's on the way home from the recycling center, so I went to the other one, and ran into #Franz.

#NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

I thought I saw #Franz as I tootled to the store for ice cream, but it was a different #NotOurCat.
#EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Pussy curls up in my lap for some quality time.

I give good lap. 😜 You should try it sometime.

#PussyGalore #Caturday #EveryDayIsCaturday #CatsOfMastodon

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