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People are currently dunking on this post that complains about Mastodon link previews DDoSing their servers - and they deserve every bit of it.

Pulling up this site in a browser with no privacy/sanity plugins installed, it made a total of 3740 requests within 4 minutes, which amounted to 267.22 MB transferred. It has ads left, right, bottom and center, and it has one of those annoying autoplaying videos, which ALSO has a video ad in front of it. The website would not scroll even close to fluently, and I'm doing this on a 24-core M2 Ultra Mac Studio with 128 GB RAM. I had to use the `debugger` command in the JS console in order to make the network panel in dev tools stop lagging.

In addition, they quote someone complaining about 114.7 MB being requested from their server over the span of 5 minutes. Not only is that less than half as much as you make a single user download if they don't actively cut into your bloatware crap, it also amounts to a whopping 3.06 Mbit/s that you're complaining about. THREE MEGABITS PER SECOND!

Your website is an insult to the internet.

People are currently dunking on this post that complains about Mastodon link previews DDoSing their servers - and they deserve every bit of it.

Pulling up this site in a browser with no privacy/sanity plugins installed, it made a total of 3740 requests within 4 minutes, which amounted to 267.22 MB transferred. It has ads left, right, bottom and center, and it has one of those annoying autoplaying videos, which ALSO has a video ad in front of it. The website would not scroll even close to fluently,...

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@siguza Just checked and … having the site open alone causes more requests than what I like to call the Fedi-Hammer on my little site (which I notice in my request statistics, but not on server resources) …

For context: A typical load of my site is 100KB with a cold cache and the html is 10 to 20KB … including a decorative banner image.

Also if one has a >1MB preview image >1000px wide … apology denied.

Mathias, a walf ❄️🐺 :pansexual_flag:

@siguza That's not to mention it's loaded with broken scripts that are causing 400s and 403s loading external resources, at least one redirect loop, and so much more. They seem to have at least four ad exchange providers *just from the ones erroring out*. Some Google ad thing is going absolutely nuts.

This really is an unusable abomination. They should be ashamed of it. Even if they had or have a legit problem with thundering herds (which they can solve), there's no excuse for what they are.

Stefan H.

@siguza Wait I thought those 114 MB of traffic they talked about was the total mastodon OG image network traffic sent to all mastodon instances. They send 114MB PER REQUEST???? And these guys send 267MB for each page load???

Am I understanding this correctly?

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