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Astra :neofox_confused:​

for the last fucking time, random citizens are not their country's government or army

your average Russian, Israeli, American, Chinese, etc, Joe Schmoe most likely had no say in whatever atrocities their government is committing

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Roswell :mycomputer:

@astra_underscore ...try asking an average American civilian about immigration. This post is blatantly apologistic.

Clover :neocat_3c:

@astra_underscore I do not fully agree with this way of thinking

Specifically when it concerns colonialism

French people that moved to Algeria, Brits that moved to India, whites that moved to south Africa, Brits that moved further west into the America during its colonization, these people are colonizers and do carry blame for what the colonization campaign their government is waging results in

Colonization cannot occur without colonizers (it just turns into normal imperialism), the colonizers that do the colonizing, that come in and replace the native population have blood on their hands, even if they weren’t part of the criminal army or militia that actually pulled the trigger, committed the genocide or the ethnic cleansing.

@astra_underscore I do not fully agree with this way of thinking

Specifically when it concerns colonialism

French people that moved to Algeria, Brits that moved to India, whites that moved to south Africa, Brits that moved further west into the America during its colonization, these people are colonizers and do carry blame for what the colonization campaign their government is waging results in

justin ★ MOVED TO

@astra_underscore you mean like all these Z-morons abroad? (not talking about those who still live in russia itself btw), all the zionists who yell "MUH ANTISEMITISM!!!!" whenever someone even dares to not have a praising opinion on israeli state?

you mean the maga cult that makes up a ton of civillians? the dem supporters that deny basic livelihood to other americans and immigrants?

or you mean the "exchange students" who lose their shit whenever someone supports the idea of ROC or a free HK?

sorry but you don't get to excuse the civilian population when a good part of them supports the government. not all, but a good part of

@astra_underscore you mean like all these Z-morons abroad? (not talking about those who still live in russia itself btw), all the zionists who yell "MUH ANTISEMITISM!!!!" whenever someone even dares to not have a praising opinion on israeli state?

you mean the maga cult that makes up a ton of civillians? the dem supporters that deny basic livelihood to other americans and immigrants?

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