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@joel @molly0xfff they say my name is already taken.
Was singned BiilClinton

Cris Mihalache


Amazing, thanks for pointing this out! 😀

John Ulrik

@joel Updated macOS version already has it, even if the the coupled phone doesn’t.

Joel :void: :casio:

Kinda missed this post by @garritfra but it's very interesting, still prefer my approach of just using a bash script but this seems less finicky xD

A better publishing workflow for static blogs

Dennis vd Laan :coffefied:

@joel @garritfra that's a neat trick! I actually think you could use gitbook to create/write posts as well, so you don't have to copy git issues. It's a markdown editor you can connect to your git repo.

Matthew Graybosch
@joel @garritfra This is cool, but this seems to depend on being willing to use #GitHub.
Joel :void: :casio:

I love how a random reply on reddit kinda made me want to learn Esperanto :blobcatderpy:

Joel :void: :casio:

So, like @edel and @hyde I too decided to write a bit about my media consumption and share some stats about how I spent my time and stuff. I will try to at least keep up with this once a month :blobcatderpy:

#blog #manga #february #MonthlySummary

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