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3 posts total
I saw Alex Gleasonator eating a double quarter pounder with cheese in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for new Pleroma features or anything.

The virgin Richard Stallman: "free software is when software is licensed under these particular licenses that emphasize the ability for you to view and modify the source and oops you did a problematico so now the chud filter is keeping you out you don't like it just fork every piece of software you use."

The chad Vladimir Putin: "free software is when we take it."
Evv1L (Эвил)

@yockeypuck oh, I though we will finally start using linux, not pirated windows :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:

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