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7 posts total
Thomas Steiner :chrome:

Finally more options for styling the `<details>` element, for example, to animate its opening. @bramus's article has all the details: 🪗

Estelle Weyl

@tomayac @bramus I was just updating the summary page on MDN today with a styling example:

guess we'll need to update it again ;)

Thomas Steiner :chrome:

Know how sometimes the warning emoji ⚠️ renders black and white, and sometimes as a proper colored emoji? In theory, you can control this with the variation selectors `U+FE0E` or `U+FE0F`, but in practice, it often doesn't work.

As of Chrome 131, you can now _actually_ control the behavior thanks to the new `font-variant-emoji` CSS property!

Here's a demo that shows the effect of `normal` (the current unpredictable default), `emoji`, and `text`:

The different font-variant-emoji values like normal, text, and emoji and their effect of either showing the emoji black and white as text, or as a colored emoji.
Thomas Steiner :chrome:

Don't sleep on `AbortController`: Very solid post about the versatile ways you can use `AbortController` in JavaScript.

Thomas Steiner :chrome:

WasmFX—Continuing #WebAssembly with Effect Handlers:

#Wasm provides no direct support for non-local control flow features such as async/await, generators/iterators, lightweight threads, first-class continuations, etc. This means that compilers for source languages with such features must transform whole source programs to target Wasm. #WasmFX is an extension (of three main instructions) to Wasm that enables compilers to translate such features directly into Wasm.

Thomas Steiner :chrome:

📢 Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta:

With macOS Sonoma, Apple goes all-in on the concept of installable web apps. They're highly integrated in the overall macOS experience and don't give away their web roots by not showing any Safari UI at all.

#️⃣ #Sonoma #macOS #Apple #WebApps #ProjectFugu #Safari

macOS Sonoma "Add to Dock" dialog.
wakest ⁂

@tomayac Thank you for this write up this is probably the biggest announcement of #WWDC that isn't getting as much coverage as it deserves.

Thomas Steiner :chrome:


Learn all about how to use the `:has()` pseudo-class in walk-through of five demos!

“Using :has() as a CSS Parent Selector and much more”



Thomas Steiner :chrome:

New CSS features in 2022: by

Container Queries
New CSS Color Functions
Cascade Layers
Scroll Timeline

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