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66 posts total
It's Just Me

After a while trying to understand if either ksh or zsh provided a way to prevent taking strings and undefined variables as 0 when doing arithmetic evaluation, there seems to be no feature specifically for it, sadly.

Closest is using set -o nounset (ksh) and setopt no_unset (zsh) to prevent undefined variables from evaluating to zero. If a "string" contains only numbers, a dot and whitespace, it will be treated as a number. Also, if it only contains the name of any other variable and whitespace, it evaluates to that.

Not that I expected shell languages to provide accurate arithmetic.

As a bonus though, it was cool learning about ksh's compound variables, force_float option and especially discipline functions.

After a while trying to understand if either ksh or zsh provided a way to prevent taking strings and undefined variables as 0 when doing arithmetic evaluation, there seems to be no feature specifically for it, sadly.

Closest is using set -o nounset (ksh) and setopt no_unset (zsh) to prevent undefined variables from evaluating to zero. If a "string" contains only numbers, a dot and whitespace, it will be treated as a number. Also, if it only contains the name of any other variable and whitespace,...

It's Just Me

NomadBSD is a great mobile OS that has it's own identity and purpose - and it has had a somewhat big change from OpenBox to XFCE.
Does that improve or spoil this great OS? In this video we'll find out...

It's Just Me

On this , let the hush take us back in time, to reflect on the echoes of an era that must never be forgotten.
Within the folds of silence, we find space to honor those days of struggle and liberation, with a promise to keep the memory alive.
This photo is from today, but it depicts a day 79 years ago.

Lest we forget, to build a tomorrow of peace.

On this , let the hush take us back in time, to reflect on the echoes of an era that must never be forgotten.
Within the folds of silence, we find space to honor those days of struggle and liberation, with a promise to keep the memory alive.
This photo is from today, but it depicts a day 79 years ago.

It's Just Me

✅ Install software... done
✅ Create administrative user... done
✅ Set complex random password... done
✅ Enable 2FA... done
✅ Log out to test 2FA... done
✅ Realize didn't save complex password in password manager... do...
🤦‍♂️ D'OH!

It's Just Me

@me These are good news! May the sun always shine on their life, and on yours, as you're happy for the happiness of the people dear to you. ☀️

It's Just Me

I was telling my wife, imagine life from cookie’s perspective: strangers tell her she’s cute and they love her every five minutes, internet fans root for her, the streets of the world are filled with delicious edible food, even when it’s trash.

like the very high Californian woman once told me when I was walking her: ‘this dog like, totally looks like she has NO TRAUMAAAAAA’

(Other than having to go to the vet sometimes)

It's Just Me
Hello, friends! Just got some wonderful news and wanted to share it with someone, and who better than you all. A dear friend who has been ill for a while has overcome their illness. We'll reunite tomorrow to celebrate together, but I'm bursting with joy already. Life has a way of bringing good news just when we need it most.

@me These are good news! May the sun always shine on their life, and on yours, as you're happy for the happiness of the people dear to you. ☀️

🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

Celebration time! 🌞
Great to hear good news, and about someone you love. Enjoy ❤

It's Just Me

...and at night, when everything seems so dark that you start to feel crazy and hopeless, just remember: a new morning will come and a new sun will shine for you.

Carole Paré Payne

@stefano it is always darkest just before daylight. We must remember that 😊

It's Just Me


I echo that welcome. We are always welcome to more sunshine!

Follow @FediTips for starter tips.
Follow @FediFollows for curated lists of whom you should follow.
Follow @lisamelton who boosts interesting and varied posts.
Do lots of searches for .

Hope you find a home here!

It's Just Me

Look at this cute little thing 🤩

It emulates a dozen consoles with hundreds of games (already included).

Will start by rocking some old Pokemon games :ablobcatbongo:

If you're interested, it's called: ANBERNIC RG35XX Plus.

Simon MacDonald

@ricard I was trying to decide between that and the Analog Pocket. I grabbed a pocket and it has been great.

Andrea :prami: 🇬🇧 🇮🇹

@ricard I’ve got one as well. Still waiting for a stable CFW

It's Just Me

Weekly BSD Pub

*BSD friends, just remember that on Thursday there'll be the first Weekly BSD Pub virtual meeting, organized by @gyptazy

More information here:


BeAware :veriweed:

@stefano beautiful picture!

Reminds me of this house though. Which I don't like the history of...😬🤦‍♂️ This is on the other side of the world though, so that place is safe.😅

This house is Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana, US. All plantations in the south are rooted in slavery. Today it serves as a tourist attraction.

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