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9 posts total

Complexity gets a bad wrap, as in software people use it negatively to describe some system when it seems the word they'd really like to use is "convoluted", which carries a more accurate notion: overburdened, unnecessary, needlessly strained etc.


Good to know that at least in the U.S, copyright is held by persons, not names, and so pseudonyms are perfectly fine.

A copyright notice, if present, may specify a pseudonym, a business name, or a form of the author's name other than his or her legal name. The validity of the copyright does not depend on the name in the notice. This is true in all Berne Convention countries. []

Unrelated but also learned there's a reason why licenses will screech at you in all caps:

Under US law, disclaimers must be "conspicuous" (UCC 2-316). So you can talk regularly when you're just stating the terms, but if you're disclaiming liability, YOU MUST BE CONSPICUOUS ("to exclude or modify the implied warranty of merchantability or any part of it the language must mention merchantability and in case of a writing must be conspicuous, and to exclude or modify any implied warranty of fitness the exclusion must be by a writing and conspicuous"). []

Good to know that at least in the U.S, copyright is held by persons, not names, and so pseudonyms are perfectly fine.

A copyright notice, if present, may specify a pseudonym, a business name, or a form of the author's name other than his or her legal name. The validity of the copyright does not depend on the name in the notice. This is true in all Berne Convention countries. []


Never ask a Lisper what they use Lisp for, and definitely don't ask how Loop clauses should be indented.


Surprised to learn SQLite uses "flexible typing". I assumed DB's are the kind of system where it's ridiculous not to have a strict types. Funnily enough, SQLite has a page ready to respond to people like me:


Man, the Distorts>Newsprint filter in GIMP is sick. Makes any picture 10x cooler, though doesn't work out all that well as a mastodon banner as you can't see the details. Maybe I should bump up pixel count for more lines, but it reduces legibility of text of the book.

Thumbnail also makes the picture look extremely dark/black lol. Odd


Can you imagine being the xz maintainer after realizing someone you were working with for at least 2 years was fucking over your work and manipulating you the entire time? Imagine then trusting anyone to pass the torch to. Not in a million years.


Learn weird programming languages because the job market is trash and none of us are getting hired anyway. Only the best job advice from zyd. Good night.

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@zyd Make yourself indispensable by implementing your own Lisp dialect:
All tooling now listens only to those who know what the frobozz operator does.


@zyd I'm returning to my roots and doing #pascal :D

Christoff Humphries

@zyd perhaps a good time to learn some COBOL and RPG programming, hah.



The type containing the object nil is the type null, not the type nil.

brain explodes

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