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2 posts total
Rev. Onan Canobite, SubGenius

“I have secret information” is a reasonable thought when you have some information and you can see other people don’t. The next step can be reasonable too: “these other people are being kept ignorant, or keep themselves ignorant.” Maybe so! But how would you know?

Two ways. First, ask yourself: “how would I know I was wrong?” Never wrong? Ok kook. Don’t know? Fair answer! Know how? Then watch out for that.

Second, JOIN…

The Church of the SubGenius


Rev. Onan Canobite, SubGenius

"Born in Berkeley California in 1984 as High Frontiers. magazine. Mutated into Reality Hackers in 1988 and MONDO 2000 in 1989. Started coming unglued around 1992. Died horribly in 1998. Current website vaguely active. I'm R.U. Sirius I write collaborate on music and other wise drift with my post-stroke brain (not too bad a stroke mind you) and have a fairly physically isolated existence."


Greetings from the Church of the SubGenius :jrbd:

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