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10 posts total

my favorite game: "software jank or sleep deprivation"

in today's episode: is that button slightly bigger than the others?


imagine using a superset of bittorrent for a system that's worse than just using bittorrent.

IPFS moment


1. make social media account, use normally
2. disappear for 5 years
3. post "what year is it"
4. wait for replies
5. post "it worked!!!!"

@binarycat I did this one, but in real life. I walked up to a bunch of people smoking on the street, asked them what year it was, then when I got "2020" ran away shouting "It worked! It fuckin' worked!"

(Being a fourteen year old didn't help them suspend their disbelief, though.)

filesystem anarchist (everything goes in / (no hierarchies))

:umu: :umu:
chaotic neutral

everything goes to C:\Users\User\Desktop

256 is a big number, actually.

not a huge number, but a big one, certainly.

if you had 256 of an object, you would have a lot of it.


wtf we have unicode for ꙮ (which is used in exactly one word in one script), but nothing for a half sharp?

i suppose you coud use the double dagger symbol (‡), but that feels like using b for a flat symbol, and in a system with codepoints for *invisible* multiplication and addition, that feels like it shouldn't be necessary.


if you want to terraform, there's no need to go to mars.

there's plenty of desert on earth.

Inken Paper

@binarycat no, shh, let the rich people think it's a good idea so they go there and never come back :blob_anar_raccoon:


the existence of a gender implies the existence of a gendee (one who is gended)


tempted to stick liblua to some suckless software to provide runtime configuration.

that would definitely make some people mad.

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