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Roy likes his new stack of ledges! Now he can be the tallest and look down on everything, including the hominid far below. These were easy to make, just took some plywood bits (most are the lids for the boxes), screws, discarded industrial carpetting, and a bit of trial and error. Fully modular and easy to undo. The wood boxes I made ages ago.

Roy asks: have you brushed your cat today!?

#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy found and explored a new area! I've made him little ledges all over but he doesn't always get into them until one day he does. He explored the entirety of the top of these shelves after having been faintly aware that was a possible route for a long time. Cats are gonna cat as a cat sage told me. It's funny when he finds new terrain to investigate.
#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy on one of his many ledges. Looking out. And looking back at me. He's doing that cat thing where they pretend they aren't hurt but his front leg got tweaked. That's an occupational hazard for a cat this big. Something about physics and gravity and mass and decelerations sometimes just gangs up on him. But he's ok.

You get a hint of his size when he stands like that. Which he does a lot. Sometimes he tries to help me use the door knob if I'm being slow

#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy reminding us that yes indeed he is a crepuscular (active pre dawn and post dusk) creature. Here he's studying the outside very early. And yes he doesn't really understand why anyone would want to waste such an excellent time of day sleeping!

And also Roy studying same area during the day as well.

#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


What finer way to spend #Caturday #Roy asks than getting brushed by a nylon and boar's hair brush!

If you've never brushed your little #CatsOfMastodon buddies (ok ok not so little in Roy's case) then they've got delights waiting. Remember to avoid their ears and carefully watch their body language for signs of overload or not allowed areas. Their bodies are covered with short whiskers, easy to overload.

Also removes fur, a lot of fur, that will not get licked off to grow hairballs in belly.


Roy examining his new box! He was enjoying his paper bag so much I figured he'd like hs own box. He does. Note this was his first minute in this box so he's figuring it out.
#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy relaxing in shaded glenn. He tends to take his direct sun in shorter doses since his black fur gets him toasty quite quickly so this half shade is perfect.

Coupled with his recent fondness for grazing I do slightly worry he's taking the term cow cat to heart.

Fun fact: it takes a cat about 10 feet to do that spin to land on legs with back arched. Roy can tell you what happens when you don't have enough height. But another day.

#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy showing proper cat zen full lotus posture.

#Roy #caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy surveying his domain, peering out into the dark which for him is more of a monochrome due to the very sensitive black white receptors in his eyes.

I would love to see a night video colorized to match what cats perceive in low light conditions. I suspect it would look a little like a grayscale thermal image minus the thermal part.

As you know cats, like dogs, only have two color cones, unlike our 3. But unlike us they preprocess cone cluster data.

#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


Roy showing us some very fine teeth indeed, reminding us that yes, he's an obligate carnivore, with canines to prove it.

And also checking out some unusual activity outside.

This particular creature's design is apparently nearly 3 to 4 million years old, with only minor modifications stemming from their decision to adopt humans some 10-12k years ago. One being the ability to tolerate us.


#Roy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon


This is Roy at night on top of an 8 foot tall fence reflecting on life and other things. I don't know the nature of those other things so I can only speculate. Possibly planning his next exploits. Possibly thinking of Valhalla and other mighty warriors like himself waiting to emerge in the final days to engage in one last mighty battle, but meanwhile feasting and training every day to stay prepared. Hard to say...
#Caturday (late)

#Roy #CatsOfMastodon

This is Roy at night on top of an 8 foot tall fence reflecting on life and other things. I don't know the nature of those other things so I can only speculate. Possibly planning his next exploits. Possibly thinking of Valhalla and other mighty warriors like himself waiting to emerge in the final days to engage in one last mighty battle, but meanwhile feasting and training every day to stay prepared. Hard to say...
#Caturday (late)

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