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32 posts total
The Gibson

People need to be paying attention to this disinformation being perpetuated by Musk and APTs.

Signal is far better from an encryption POV than Telegram.

If you want to keep those bytes off the record, do NOT use Telegram.

The Gibson

Let me break it down for you.

There is a concerted misinfo campaign that now has Musk parroting that signal has security flaws.

Signal has been incredibly responsible in addressing reported bugs with alacrity.

Telegram is a steaming hot mess of bad to no encryption.

They specifically want protesters to use the bad one so that data can be more easily harvested.

Not sure who started this yet, but I have my suspicions.

@Mer__edith runs one of the best teams in the space.

Anyhow Signal is the far better solution between the two. Don’t fall in the trap.

Let me break it down for you.

There is a concerted misinfo campaign that now has Musk parroting that signal has security flaws.

Signal has been incredibly responsible in addressing reported bugs with alacrity.

Telegram is a steaming hot mess of bad to no encryption.

They specifically want protesters to use the bad one so that data can be more easily harvested.

The Gibson

My yearly complaint that there are no mastodon apps with administrative/moderator tools.


@TheGibson That's because running an instance is freaking HARD.

Hats off.

The Gibson

Taking a stand on shooting dogs seems weird until you realize its not only problematic on the surface... it's also a euphemism for anyone they consider non-human...

and that's what they are really signaling.


@thegibson Goddamn right. That fucking guy never had a pet and anything he didn’t like was ”like a dog”

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@thegibson This seems like a strong (if somewhat selfish) argument for animal rights, veganism, environmental activism, etc:

If a common strategy for committing atrocities against humans is to "dehumanize" them, or treat them like animals, maybe treating animals with dignity and compassion would help counteract such rhetoric.

Some might say "but we can't even treat humans with dignity and compassion", but what if normalizing atrocities against animals is part of how we got here?

The Gibson

One of the best talks at DefCon this year.

An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification
Cory Doctorow ( @pluralistic )

The Gibson

Further, I just want to point out that we have been experiencing a bit of a gift in the past 5 years. Even with all the ridiculous things happening, we have started to get projects like Veilid off the ground and shift the narrative in the media around privacy on the internet.

Talks like this one are a part of that rising tide. For me, It was Bruce Schneier's talk at DefCon 29 that reawakened something in me.

That year, I didn't know the cDc were going to be there. I didn't know that there was a spirit deep in me that would leave Vegas reinvigorated.

But it did, and Projekt:ONI was born. Many other madness induced projects would follow. Always finding a way to try to answer the call... it worked...

Then Veilid happened this year. The potential with Veilid is so amazing. We can not only support privacy first development frameworks, but make the cloud ours.

Taking back the means of computation, indeed.

Further, I just want to point out that we have been experiencing a bit of a gift in the past 5 years. Even with all the ridiculous things happening, we have started to get projects like Veilid off the ground and shift the narrative in the media around privacy on the internet.

Talks like this one are a part of that rising tide. For me, It was Bruce Schneier's talk at DefCon 29 that reawakened something in me.

The Gibson


A severe case where a simple name causes so much tension.

The Gibson

I love an incredibly bad takes by people considered to be thought leadership.

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@thegibson "Naomi Wildman is the best Star Trek captain, in this essay I will..."

[take is deemed insufficiently bad and poster insufficiently thought leadery enough]


@TheGibson Is thought leadership a title one bestows on one's self?

All your base are belong to us

@thegibson Everyone who told us the blockchain was the future?

The Crypto bros who thought money grew on electronic trees?

The AI crew who thinks ChatGPT will save the world?

Or Sam Altman, who invests in the most oppressive technology to keep us serfs?

The Gibson

God damn, feels good to be here right now.

The Gibson

I've got sticks and marshmallows, who wants to have a campout over the smoldering flames of the social media silos?

Charles U. Farley

@thegibson If you were designing our PKI system to enable governments and other shady entities to surreptitiously insert themselves, I'm not sure what you'd do differently.

And let's not forget Google's role in ensuring that remained the case by refusing to implement DANE.

The Gibson

We're not here to replace Twitter.

We're here to restore the future.

Twitter is now the past.

Welcome to the timeline WE were promised.

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Absolutely! It is so nice to not have an algorithm decide which content I see next on my timeline. It is also nice to not be bombarded with ads.

As a teenager I discovered BBS chatrooms and this reminds me of those days. It is definitely part nostalgia for me but this is also how it should have always been.

I do not want a drop-in replacement for Twitter, I want something better and I feel this is it.

The Gibson

Meta's market valuation is below Home Depot's?!?!

You can do it... we can help.

Madeline :antiverified:


Meta 🤝 Home Depot

Your first impression is "I know more than you"

Lili Saintcrow

@thegibson The schadenfreude is sooooo delicious. :flan_popcorn:

Baloo Uriza

@thegibson Home Depot's actually useful so this tracks.

The Gibson

That's one way to market it... stay classy ShiftLeft.

Radical Edward :hackers_town:

@thegibson useless to you maybe, but that's, uh, not who you should be worried about

The Gibson

It's just pure evil now, no supposed moral standing... just capitalism and feudalism under a unelected theo-fascist regime.


The Gibson

Friendly reminder: if you need to plan something with many people, then don't do it on public social media.

Use Signal. Use ToR.

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cat :psychedelic_cat:

@thegibson Don't personally recommend signal, because it needs your phone number... Element or Briar is the way to go!

Jason B 🧙‍♂️

@thegibson thanks for this. Q: is there a reason not to use telegram?

Tony Stark

People are always asking me what I'm doing. Only patt of it makes it into the Fediverse. On purpose.

The Gibson

Post your fails.

Pwn your imposter.

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@thegibson set a cron to * 12 * instead of 0 12 * and sent an email to all my clients 60 times in an hour

Jeremy Worrells

@TheGibson Reading through the replies brought a couple of my own to mind:
I wrote a script on a Sun workstation in our lab that would play a cuckoo sound on the hour. Something was off in my logic and I came in late the next day to the box incessantly cuckooing and my coworkers very irritated.
Even earlier in my life, my boss wanted some free space on the main work computer. This was 1992/1993 timeframe. Turns out that Windows really dislikes it when you delete all of System32.

Nils 'Kojote' Hitze

@thegibson I once double booked 200+ credit cards of our customers - that was after I accidentially deleted all stored "valid until" dates from our customers credit cards. Magic

The Gibson

One more time for the night crew.

$4330 raised after matching for the Ukrainian relief fund!

2 days left.

Get a cool T-shirt, Save the world.

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