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11 posts total
argumento :socialiststar:

Cold war mentality is thinking one side is the absolute good and the other the absolute evil.

Cold war mentality froze thousands of people's from fighting for themselves for fear of being accused of communism or, on the other side of the iron wall, of falling for the American imperialist agenda.

Cold war mentality is a prison our rulers create to make us hate their enemies, creating a division between fellow proles and unity with "our" masters.

argumento :socialiststar:

A situation is being created, in both "sides" (the West and the Rest) to elevate a communications wall. Anything and everything that comes from a "wrong" source is propaganda, and everything and anything "our" mass media says is the indubitable truth.

This is not new, this reassembles, in spite off all the technological changes, the situation in WWI or WWII.

They need us to hate the other so we'll sacrifice ourselves for "our masters" interests.

argumento :socialiststar:

Anyone that uses "quiet quitting" outside of a joke is a joke to me.

argumento :socialiststar:

No hay de otra, tengo que hacer la revolución, o no habrá tacos.

argumento :socialiststar:

Leo en los medios oxidentales que Rusia dispara desde y hacia la planta nuclear de Zaporiyia, la más grande de Europa. Una de dos, o los rusos son malvados, suicidas y estúpidos por partes iguales, o los medios oxidentales y las fuentes ucranianas mienten. Me inclino a pensar que se trata de la segunda.

argumento :socialiststar:

Sailor Kronstadt, una ilustración que realicé en #Inkscape hace algunos años, jugando con la idea de las sailors scouts y los marineros de Kronstadt, chiste que, obviamente, sólo me da risa a mi.

argumento :socialiststar:

Siento que debería de reutilizar esa ilustración en algo, una animación en #synfig o algo.

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