8 years ago, I started learning #Haskell to program myself a todo list app.
How did that go for my todo list?
Well, it is filled with:
* Maintaining the UI library I use for it (#reflex)
* Maintaining the OS I use to package and deploy it (#nixos)
* Being part of the steering committee of the compiler to build it (#ghc)
* Ah, and I have job were I use all that stuff.
However, the app is currently not in a usable state, so I basically coordinate all that on chaotic stack of papers on my desk.
8 years ago, I started learning #Haskell to program myself a todo list app.
How did that go for my todo list?
Well, it is filled with:
* Maintaining the UI library I use for it (#reflex)
* Maintaining the OS I use to package and deploy it (#nixos)
* Being part of the steering committee of the compiler to build it (#ghc)
* Ah, and I have job were I use all that stuff.
@maralorn Didn't you use to use TaskWarrior? Did that not work out for you?
@maralorn Se essentially you are saying https://xkcd.com/1312/ ? :D
@maralorn you make it sound like a bad thing