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6 posts total
Fediverse Test Suite

FediTest is progressing. Major update this week.

Blog post:

Want to try the work-in-progress?

Fediverse Test Suite

Early(est) access to work in progress on FediTest and the Fediverse test suite now available.


Fediverse Test Suite

Some thoughts on the components needed for the Fediverse Test Suite, and some of the challenges around them.

A new blog post.

Fediverse Test Suite

Hi everybody!

Our project to build a Fediverse Test Suite is now officially under way.

And we have a website at -- it's very rudimentary at this point, and work in progress, but hey, release early and often... :-)

There's no public code yet, but soon there will be, and we'll run some community meetups to show-and-tell and get your feedback. We'll announce when right through this account.

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