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11 posts total
Gleb Zakharov

Look kitty this is how you use recursion instead of loops

Gleb Zakharov

Nice one, I have the same problem with #syncthing conflicted files, should try using git merge for them

Gleb Zakharov

> Some studies suggest getting a good night’s sleep is more important for software quality than the difference between static and dynamic typing. (​increment​.com/teams/the-epis)


Gleb Zakharov

TIL if someone abstracts a computation (function, HTTP request or whatever) with a complex config, one must provide an abstraction layer above (like macros or function) so every client doesn't have to build the config oneself.

I've spent several hours to find the bug in such a config; turns out it had implicit dependencies between fields🤯

Gleb Zakharov

How is #REPL different from #shell ?

AFAU, the difference is that e.g. Bash is written in C, thus you can execute `ls` command, but cannot execute the body of `ls` function line by line.

But with REPL from any #Lisp you can execute both a function and every expression the function consists of.

Is this right?

It is the understanding I got from this thread:


@snyssfx A repl offers introspection for the code environment, a shell generally doesn't


@snyssfx when you call "ls" in a shell, then it takes an executable file named "ls" in a search path. It calls the executable. Combining two executables could be done like by piping the output of "ls" into the input of "grep".

The REPL is a Lisp function, which read an s-expression (atoms and nested lists), evaluates it, prints the result as an s-expression and loops. By default any Function called by the evaluator is not an external program, but resides and executes in the same memory space.

Gleb Zakharov

> the 1% rule is a general rule of thumb pertaining to participation in an internet community, stating that only 1% of the users of a website actively create new content, while the other 99% of the participants only lurk.

So true for every community I'm participating in!

Gleb Zakharov

Do you know any code tasks for learning #clojure that are harder than Koans but simpler than Advent of Code?
AoC is too time-consuming.

Also, I found a great list of how to learn Clojure:


@snyssfx Well, if you're into maths there's always project euler

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