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Petition to rename "the Linux desktop" to the FreeDesktop. It solves the whole GNU/Linux debacle

It's a really solid way (IMO) of differentiating Chrome OS or Android from the likes of Debian, Fedora, etc

All without excluding Alpine, the BSDs, or any non-GNU system that still supports the whole philosophy that we've come to think of as "the Linux desktop"

Porting "Linux" software to *BSD is much easier than porting it to Android for this exact reason, even if the kernels are the same

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Hugo 雨果

@kQuote03 Freedesktop includes a lot of things with dependency on systemd, so it definitely excludes Alpine, BSD, etc. It also includes all the portal stuff which is Linux-specific and rather tied to Flatpak.

I like your intent (a clear term to describe libre desktops), but Freedesktop is more of a specific implementation/approach at this point.

5init God I wish the community already agree with this since like 20 years ago. The "GNU/Linux" naming and "Android is Linux Distro" debacle are so unproductive it stole the highlight of the real linux desktop problem such as inter-distro (if that's a word) binary compatibility and missing implementation of hardware feature in linux

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