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7 posts total
Fediverse Developer Network

Reminder: #Fediverse #Developer Network meetup in about 12 hours: Wednesday June 5th at 9:00am pacific.

You are all invited, particularly if you are a #developer new to ActivityPub and the #fediverse, or if you have an existing implementation and are interested in the first round of test results from @feditest!

Details are on

Fediverse Developer Network

Wednesday next week (June 5th) at 9:00am pacific, we are going to do another Fediverse Developer Network meetup.

You are all invited, particularly if you are a #developer new to ActivityPub and the #fediverse, or if you have an existing implementation and are interested in the first round of test results from @feditest!

Details are on

Fediverse Developer Network

We are thinking of hosting a periodic "Welcome to the Fediverse! Ask your fellow developers anything!" online meetup.

Many people are now looking at developing for the Fediverse, as this week's announcements show, and we know it can be daunting to get started. Maybe other developers can help?


Fediverse Developer Network

@andypiper (with a little bit of help from @J12t) ran a session about the Fediverse Developer Network at #FediForum this week. There were about 25 people in the session, so there's quite some interest!

Slides and notes will be up on the site shortly.

Fediverse Developer Network

@andypiper and @J12t are going to restart FediDevs meetups, starting next Thursday March 7.

Main topic: FediTest early show-and-tell and ask for feedback. More details:

Have topics for future meetups? Bring them on!

/cc @feditest @activitypubtestsuite

Fediverse Developer Network

A project has started to build a #Fediverse #testsuite, so it becomes possible to systematically test interoperability between applications in the fediverse.

It is going to need some virtualization, to run "substantial" server-side applications for testing. So we'd like to know what development and virtualization platforms #ActivityPub developers develop and test on.

If you are a Fediverse developer, could you spend 5min and answer our survey?

Thank you!!

A project has started to build a #Fediverse #testsuite, so it becomes possible to systematically test interoperability between applications in the fediverse.

It is going to need some virtualization, to run "substantial" server-side applications for testing. So we'd like to know what development and virtualization platforms #ActivityPub developers develop and test on.

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