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3 posts total
trunks (Android, iOS & Web)

Love trunks as your Mastodon experience of choice? πŸ’•πŸ˜

Help others discover it by boosting this post and by leaving a review on the app stores!

There's no marketing budget here, so word of mouth πŸ‘„ is all there is.

Interested? Check out the features!

Available on Android, iOS, MacOS, and Web

#trunks #trunksapp #trunkssocial is a cross platform, cross device mastodon client
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Rene Simons

@trunksapp thanks for the post and the app. I love the media aspect ratio feature giving me the ability to display the pictures and videos at a more comfortable layout.




trunks (Android, iOS & Web)

# 1.3.8 Beta!

- New, friendlier icon! :D
- Improve "View Reach" experience on posts, enabled by default (Allows you to see what servers posts have been boosted to!)
- Add new theme option experiment (dynamic color scheme algorithm picker)
- Change cache durations for start up network calls.
- Move pagination icons on large screen devices.
- Fix share urls.
- Fix feed state problems on foldables.
- Upgrade tons of dependencies.

#trunks #trunksapp #trunkssocial

# 1.3.8 Beta!

- New, friendlier icon! :D
- Improve "View Reach" experience on posts, enabled by default (Allows you to see what servers posts have been boosted to!)
- Add new theme option experiment (dynamic color scheme algorithm picker)
- Change cache durations for start up network calls.
- Move pagination icons on large screen devices.
- Fix share urls.
- Fix feed state problems on foldables.
- Upgrade tons of dependencies.

A friendlier trunks.
trunks (Android, iOS & Web)

New "View Reach" experience comes from the long-in-experiment feature I built almost a year ago, but I spent some time really trying to make it work better across screen sizes.

The goal is to quickly let you see which servers and how many users from those server have boosted a particular post!

Screenshot showing the graph analysis for a particular post.
Screenshot showing one particular edge of the graph.
Image showing where the "view reach" button is.

@trunksapp I don't know what half of that means but Trunks has become like the only app on my phone that I look forward to reading patch notes for.

Thanks for your hard work.

trunks (Android, iOS & Web)

1 year of trunks!

Thank you to everyone for your feedback, excitement, and contributions for this little hobby project.

Sometimes I think I'm in over my head for building an iOS, Android and Web experience that can also adapt to large screens. πŸ˜… I'm not sure I could continue without your kind words.

On to another year and more whimsy.


#trunks #trunksapp #trunkssocial

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@trunksapp do you have a tip jar we can throw cash at? I spend way more time in this app than any other app on my tablet.


@trunksapp It's now my main Mastodon app. I stopped using the other ones. Trunks is the best one of the bunch, hands down.

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