Countries whose national anthem contains the word ‘turk’.
(by briskohouse/reddit)
How To Say 'badger’ In Europe
Alabama stereotypes
Native language families in North America.
The spread of the word for ‘tea’ across the world.
Tea if by sea, Cha if by land
Total military personnel in European countries, 2019
Contrary to the popular belief, it is possible to sail from London to Paris in a perfectly straight line
(via two_plus_two_is_zero/reddit)
How to Say 'metal’ in Europe
Literal meaning and origin of country names in the Middle East.
@onlmaps "Of the Skillful Assemblers" is totally gonna be the title of my next Post-Rock song.
UN vote to end US embargo against Cuba, November 1st, 2018.
Europe, on the verge of the War of the Third Coalition, 1803.
Where penguins live?
@onlmaps Don't forge the heart of all Linux users 😉 😁 :linux:
How to Say 'raccoon’ In Europe
Literal meaning and origin of US state names.
Number of times each country has been mentioned in The Simpsons.
Military spending of European great powers before World War 1.
Slavic countries in Europe
(map by try.balkan/instagram)
Poland according to Poles.
"You" in European languages
Thomas Jefferson’s proposed states for the Northwest Territory, circa 1784