Name of Austria in different European languages.
Countries with higher life expectancy than the USA, 1960 and 2019
How major Romance languages developed from Latin
Largest cities in Austrian Monarchy in 1850
How to respond to a sneeze: “Bless you” around Europe.
@onlmaps manca "eh dio can" nel nordest dell'Italia
Countries with Tesco supermarkets
9 Ways to divide Kazakhstan
Evolution of France’s borders, 481-Today.
Religions of Europe's presidents
(by worldwide_map/instagram)
Well, it's wrong about the UK. We don't have a president but we do have a head of state, and he's a protestant Christian.
Dönerpreise in Deutschland 2008
(via u/Vollmilch90)
The origins of the word ‘city’ in various European languages.
The world according to Greek historian Herodotus in 450 BC.
Number of Roman Theatres and Amphitheatres per country.
Flag-Map of Europe in 1095 AD, before the first crusade
What if something (a 250m high 1500m wide dam, an earthquake, a volcano, a nuclear device) closed the Iron Gates? (via u/hmiemad)
@onlmaps Is there any estimate how long it would take to fill this bassin?
Shark in European languages.
Second biggest religion in the US after Christianity.
Biden's impossible puzzle
Countries where riding a bicycle without a helmet is illegal.
European countries with higher or lower GDP per capita (PPP) than Italy, 1995 and 2020
Names for Finland in Northern Europe.